Hand / Parking brake in LHB Power car, working, different parts, defects & attentions (I. Railways )

Hand / Parking brake in LHB Power car, working, different parts, defects & attentions (I. Railways )

@ dltsicklinetanwar , in TRAINS, hand brakes or parking brakes are provided in guard van ( power car, SLR) C&W ,mech. dept is responsible for it's maintenance and proper working, so maintaining staff &Sup. need to know how it works and what to do if some failure arises. Here in this short video, tried to make understand the HAND BRAKE SYSTEM with the help of line diagram and actual practical views,
we tried to cover most parts of the system in short video to avoid lengthy video, Detailed video may be uploaded as per your interest, Thank you 😉

hand brakeparking braketrain

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