Hackathon Basics 101: Prerequisites of a Hackathon

Hackathon Basics 101: Prerequisites of a Hackathon

A hackathon is an event that can last anywhere from 24 to 48 hours, where participants work quickly and collaboratively on technical projects. It is a place where computer programmers congregate to create fresh strategies for resolving issues or finishing significant projects that call for teamwork. In order to advance projects and create solutions, participants at hackathons try to introduce new techniques, standards, or personal programming styles. You may decide whether going to one will provide you the chance to enhance your profession or learn new skills by understanding the goals of these events.

This much-awaited workshop on the prerequisites for a hackathon is presented to you in today's session. Mr. Siddharth Dayalwal has been invited as a very special guest. Siddharth has served as an inspiration to many aspiring developers around the country as the original organiser of the well-known hackathon, Hack This Fall, the Developer Community Specialist at storyblok, the MLH APAC Coach, and a Github Field Expert, among many other accreditations.

You will have a complete understanding of the hackathon process by the end of this incredibly enlightening course; questions relating to the efficient operation of your team will also be addressed.


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