CABINET HANGING HACK! Ideally, cabinets would be hung with two people so you have an extra set of hands but SHE DON’T NEED NO MAN! 😉😜
I’m simply screwing a scrap piece of wood into the studs (make sure it’s level!) and then resting the upper cabinet on the board while I screw it into the studs. Once your cabinet is set in place, remove the 2x4 and stand back and admire your work! 👏🏼 I’m so excited for how quickly this kitchen is coming together 😍 IT’S GOING TO BE SO DREAMY!!! Should I leave the cabinets white or paint them?
Follow along with me @comestayawhile to watch this kitchen project unfold! These are the Colorado white shaker cabinets from @lilyanncabinets_ ! You guys can use code AMANDA5 for a discount!