Florida Surgeon General Goes Anti Vaxxer In Disgusting Press Conference

Florida Surgeon General Goes Anti Vaxxer In Disgusting Press Conference

During a press conference last week, Florida's new Surgeon General expressed skepticism about COVID vaccines, echoing statements made by anti-vaxxers. Florida's top doctor claimed that we don't know "all there is to know" about what is in these vaccines, then said that they don't provide adequate protection from the virus. Both of these claims are completely false, but he wasn't hired to be an honest broker. Farron Cousins discusses this.

Link - https://www.mediaite.com/tv/joseph-ladapo-covid-vaccine/

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During a truly disturbing press conference last week. Florida's new surgeon general, Dr. Joseph Lee Dapo started using anti-vaxxer rhetoric to cast doubt about the safety and efficacy of the COVID 19 vaccines, which to be honest is exactly why Ron DeSantis went out and handpicked him from California to be Florida's new surgeon general. But let me read you an excerpt of just some of what Dr. Lee Dapo said there. I mean, you hear these stories of people telling you what's been happening in their lives, nurses, pregnant women who are being forced to, you know, to sort of put something in their bodies that we don't know all there is to know about yet. No matter what people tell you, uh, people on TV tell you, we're finding that the data are showing that some of these vaccines, the protection from infection is less than 40% and even less than that for some of them.

So this idea that we are foolish for, not believing people who are telling us things that, that we don't have data for right now is ridiculous. And people need to continue and stick with their intuition and their sensibilities. Yeah. Doctor, we've already proven here in the state of Florida, that people don't exactly have sensibilities. They clearly don't have intuition either. We are a state that has had over 58,000 deaths, more than 3.6 million COVID cases in the state of Florida. So far to date. And this idiot is out there openly saying lying, flat out, lying about what we do and do not know about the vaccine, 40% efficacy rate that's news to me. And that's a number that by the way, you can't find anywhere because it's not effing true. Sorry, if I sound a little off about this, but I am, this man is a medical doctor and he is out there lying to the public about the COVID 19 vaccine, which again is exactly why our little idiot Republican governor, Ron DeSantis hired him in the first place. None of the vaccines are only 40% effective. That's simply not true. That's simply not true. Oh, we don't know what's in the vaccines. Yes, we do. We absolutely. 100%. Do we don't know the long-term. Yeah, because it's only been out for a year. You'd dip. But so far we are not seeing mass adverse reactions from any of this, any of it sure. Couple cases here and there, but certainly not as many deaths, right.

He keeps talking about, oh, you know, the risk versus the benefits. Yeah. We know the risks versus the benefits. The risks are you could die. The benefits are you get a more mild case of COVID. If you're vaccinated, we do know that. And Dr. Joseph Dapo is an absolute moron. And of course, right-wing shill for trying to cast doubt on this. And let's not forget because I actually went to try to look up Florida's COVID data. And of course our deaths are down in the state. But part of that is due to the fact that not long ago, Ron DeSantis actually changed the way that the state reports deaths. So we don't get to know deaths on the day they happen. So that's why when you look at like a 14 week span, it obviously looks like the deaths have gone down in Florida, but you have to check back in two weeks, two or three weeks, sometimes even a month, because we're no longer recording deaths on the day they are reported.

We're recording deaths when they're reported on the day the death happened. So say you wanted to go look at deaths for October 15th. You're going to notice that that number is pretty small. Now you check back in a couple weeks and compare the first number you saw for October 15th or October 20th, or hell even today, and then compare it with what it is a couple of weeks from now. And you're going to see the number went up. So you were one of the only states that's doing this. So that way it makes it look like our realtime deaths are lower. When in fact you go back in a couple weeks and boom, the right back up, not to mention, there's been reports recently that a lot of Florida COVID, data's just gone missing. We don't know where it is, and it's not an accident. Ron DeSantis wanted to go out and find the most quack idiot doctor he could find to back him up as he challenges these vaccine mandates from the Biden administration. And by God, he did it.

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