SNP is on brink Boris FREEZES and IMPOSES compensation on Sturgeon for waste of taxpayers' cash

SNP is on brink Boris FREEZES and IMPOSES compensation on Sturgeon for waste of taxpayers' cash

SNP is on brink Boris FREEZES and IMPOSES compensation on Sturgeon for waste of taxpayers' cash

A CONTROVERSIAL SNP policy involving overseas offices will cost Scottish taxpayers £7.1million a year following a "coalition of chaos" deal.

That would seem the obvious response for most sane people in the UK but it's not going to happen with our woke, spineless government who are nothing more than the Liberal Undemocratics in disguise.

Time the Scottish tax payers slapped her down, its money for education, housing and drug reform she’s wasting, she never will be a top dog In Brussels. The money is going on propaganda, arrogant displays.


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