Trucking companies are generally liable for accidents caused by their drivers, but attorneys who have experience in pursuing cases against trucking companies understand that to really get the best result in a case involves proving that the trucking company did something negligent that caused or contributed to the driver error that ultimately resulted in the accident. Trucking companies are obligated to make sure that only drivers who are properly qualified and trained are ever on the road, and trucking companies have an obligation to monitor their drivers once they are on the road to make sure that they are complying with all of the federal and state laws that are applicable. There are various ways that we can track drivers to make sure that they are properly logging their hours of service and not exceeding their hours of service.
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The power you need, the attention you deserve.
When we founded EGC 16 years ago, we decided we’d represent you this way - “Focus on fewer cases, outwork the opposition and make no compromises.”
Most injury firms take as many cases as they can get. Lawyers in those firms simply don’t have the time to get to all the important details right. Nor can they get to know their clients well enough. When your life has been turned upside down by an injury, your lawyer needs to get all the important details right — those details can make all the difference.
Our firm takes about 1/5 as many cases per lawyer as the average injury firm. This allows us to leave no stone unturned, take no shortcuts, listen to you, and do whatever we feel is necessary to win your case.