Summer in the Psalms: Psalm 16 {Counseled}

Summer in the Psalms: Psalm 16 {Counseled}

The Olympics are every athlete's dream and this Olympic season is no different! We watched the trials and we are excited about the teams. Our eyes are now on the athletes and coaches as they represent their respective countries. We love hearing the stories of how they got there. How many nights do you think they lay awake pondering if they would qualify? What about the coaches who were chosen to be there as well? And the spouses and children of everyone involved! There is much anticipation in the air!

For many people, this is a dream come true. Although most of us will not be Olympic athletes, we all have dreams, goals, and aspirations of making it to that next level. For some, it’s putting together that perfect team of players. For others, it’s finding the friends or teammates you need to tackle this game called life!

The Psalms help us keep our perspective focused on what is essential and they give us great examples from those in the faith who have gone ahead of us. Around 1044 BC David penned Psalm 16. In the midst of danger and before he was crowned king, David found holy contentment and unspeakable joy.

When times are hard, where do you take refuge and who do you listen to? It’s so awesome that we have people of the faith who have gone before us to show us how to apply our faith! David sets the example for us in the Old Testament and Jesus affirms this in the New Testament - God says to remain or abide in Him.

Maybe you didn’t make the team. Seek refuge in God.
Maybe you didn’t get the job you were hoping for… Seek refuge in God.
Maybe your spouse is away coaching until late hours… Seek refuge in God.
Maybe you can’t see the next chapter yet and you question God’s plan… Seek refuge in God.

Because when we seek refuge in God, He begins to change our perspective. We realize all good things come from God. We start to see ourselves and other people with His holy eyes and we let Him turn the page. David sees a clear difference between those who honor God and those who do not honor God. David sets himself apart.

And God blesses David with the most beautiful legacy, his faith. Not money, not land, not a home— David will never build the temple, but faith and David is so happy with his heritage. Just like David, we can be so happy with our heritage! When you believe, you are grafted into the faith-family tree and your spiritual heritage goes all the way back to the Patriarchs - Abraham, Issac, and Jacob!

Every one of us has a story about where we have been and where God is taking us. The key is to remain in God and listen for His voice in and through each chapter. God will lead you if you let Him. God is David’s counselor, just as Jesus is called our Wonderful Counselor! Where does David’s wisdom come from? It comes from God’s counsel at all hours of the night! No matter what comes against David, because He has set the Lord at his right hand, he will not be shaken. He seeks His Heavenly Father for wisdom and guidance. Whatever comes against him, he is secure because he remains in God.

David seeks God in the good times and the hard times because David knows He is where the joy is! David knows in His presence is fullness of joy and pleasures forever!

Wherever you are in your story, you matter! David was given the promise to be king at a young age, yet God took him through many chapters before David arrived. He remained in GOD. He delighted in God's people. He loved his legacy. He listened to God. He trusted God. David’s joy came from God.

May we seek GOD. And May we seek His people. Find your people! We need each other to cheer each other on in this game called life!

Coaches, athletes, administrators, teachers, friends, and family, you’ve got this today because He has you!
These truth’s come from God’s Word.
God’s Word is true.
God’s Word is enough.

You are so loved. I am praying for you.
Happy Monday!


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