Fat Burning Hack 2minutes 3 times per week! dramatic fat loss

Fat Burning Hack   2minutes  3 times per week! dramatic fat loss

Fat burning in less than 5 minutes. Here is something you can do, whether you train that day or not that will really lean you out fast. It’s like 8-0 percent of the benefits from a Cross Fit WOD in less than 3 minutes!

Cross Fit, Everyone knows it works to get you lean and athletic. But not everyone can do cross fit full time. Especially power lifters. Too much Cross Fit might actually be a bad idea. So what’s the solutions?

What if you could add Cross Fit to your training, 3-4 days a week, without changing any of your other activities? You’d have to get leaner right? A lot leaner in fact. Not only that, you're going to get a lot of volume in in areas you need it, building a stronger core in the process.

To be exceptionally lean, and exceptionally strong at the same time, you have to train and eat in a way that maximizes and manipulates the hormones you need optimized for strength, muscle building and fat burning.

Try these standing hip thrusts three days a week for the next 3 weeks. Pick a weight you think you can do for 50 reps. In the video I used a total of 50 lbs, (two 25 pound plates). You can use Kettle bells. You can use dumbbells. But doing a set of these all-out is very similar hormonal wise to completing a cross fit WOD. It will create a huge oxygen debt and set your norepinephrine levels soaring.

In addition to Norepinephrine, these six hormones also play a crucial role and we will discuss them in up going videos:

Thyroid Hormones, such as t-4 and t-3
Adrenaline (which also implicates norepinephrine)
The androgenic hormones (DHEA and testosterone), and,
the growth and rejuvenation hormones growth and acetylcholine.

Another hormone that plays a role, and a critical role, is Leptin.

Over the course of these videos you are going to learn easy to implement, practical to use, and highly effective hacks that you can build into your daily routine to effortlessly lose fat and become incredibly strong. We can learn to train our hormonal responses, but we need to have techniques on how to induce the right hormones and chemicals in our body. That is what this channel is about.

This exercise, performed at least 3 days per week, 50-100 reps will positively affect all of the above mentioned hormones, either directly or indirectly. What’s more, it will elevate your metabolism for hours after wise through a process known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption or EPOC. Doing the breathing exercise immediately after your training:

see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8Zwa_R3aBs,

will enhance the fat burning effects. Subscribe for future videos as we break down the chemical cascades necessary to unleash ridiculous fat loss, and exactly how to induce them.

Just grab a paid of plates, dumbbells or Kettle bells and start swinging, about 100 swings later you will be breathing extremely hard, sweating, and in full out fat burning mode. It’s almost like cross fit in a box. But it only takes about 3 minutes. Afterward you will recover quickly, and go on to have a great training session because you will be warm and ready to go. Your conditional levels will go up, and your fat levels down.

Week one: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 50 swings, 75 swings, 100 swings. (Keep weight the same)

Week two: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Use more weight than last week. Do, 55 swings, 80 swings, and 105 swings.

Week three: Use more weight than the previous week. Do 60, 85, and 110 swings. One all out set each day, lower reps on Monday, highest reps on Friday.

Week four: Reevaluate.

While your here, check this out: https://bit.ly/secretfatlosstip2021

So now we have the morning and evening breathing routine, and this 3 minute warm-up that you can incorporate a few times a week to make massive gains in body composition and conditioning. These swing will even improve your grip strength… for those deadlifts.

We are creating a lifestyle here. Easy, time efficient hacks that get us incredibly lean, and amazingly strong. Subscribe as I uncover all the hacks to building right into your life, senseless and easy that will make everyone think you are on steroids when you're not! I’ve never used a steroid in my life by the way. I just recently started experimenting with creatine. Not against Supps, or Science. But if you want to learn about things that work with, or without SUPPS, this is the channel for you.

also: https://www.instagram.com/spenceanthonysolutions/


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