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Part 3: https://youtu.be/MBSgfVEjD5k
Part 1: https://youtu.be/4Vm9hxyGrII
In this clip, Vlad started off asking Boosie if he spoke to T.I. after he admitted that he told on his dead cousin when he was younger, and Boosie says that he hadn’t. Boosie added that the interview really hurt him, and he added that he thinks that T.I. was lying when telling the story. Vlad then pointed out that the podcast was from a year ago, and it recently resurfaced. Vlad also questioned why T.I. would lie about something like this, and he added that cooperating in a case is not something that you lie about. Boosie went on to state that he’d pick up the phone if T.I. called, but he added that he can’t tarnish his legacy for anyone.