Ultimately delicious wonton noodle soup for $3, Cambodian street food

Ultimately delicious wonton noodle soup for $3, Cambodian street food

Ultimately delicious wonton noodle soup for $3, Cambodian street food. Thank you for watching our videos. Watch more: https://bit.ly/3Dq40BF
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ហាងគុយទាវ វណ្ណារី នៅខាងត្បូងវត្តព្រែកបឬស្សីចំងាយ​ប្រហែល ៥០០ម លើផ្លូវជាតលេខ ២ ក្រុងតា​ខ្មៅ
Location: https://goo.gl/maps/mmBTBEqWX7cU2FrE9


the view of foodthe view of street foodcambodian street food

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