Creative Tips for Painting Abstract Art - Welcome to My Paint, Music and Yoga Studio

Creative Tips for Painting Abstract Art - Welcome to My Paint, Music and Yoga Studio

Welcome to my yoga and art studio! I’m swimming in paint, music and sensual movement. All of it is playful and healing.

➔ I stream naked yoga classes & art sessions only for my fans. Join my studio for access into my world:

Play is medicine. All of us need constant healing as we evolve. All of us can heal through artwork and movement. If you don’t feel like this is true for you, tell me about your experience.

➔ Take my yoga classes & watch me do my yoga practice for inspiration, ad-free on Patreon:

I share these videos of myself creating as a way for us to connect, one human being to another. We share a body. We are more similar than we realize. We know all of the same emotions and think many of the same thoughts.

➔ Explore all of the songs I've written on Spotify:

The conversations we have inspire me to create. Freedom is my goal. All that matters is loving people. I feel free when I’m creating and when I’m teaching. I share all these videos with love and I hope they help you in some way. Everyone is welcome here with attitudes of kindness and gratitude. 💕

Love & Rainbows,
Cha Wilde

➔ Look at all my paintings. Which one Is your favorite?

paintingpainterspaint studio

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