Mario faces off against the infamous castle yet again, but destroying it with a simple switch won't be so easy.
This video was animated by 27 Team Level UP members and hosted by Y.P. Corp and Nonexistent, check them out for more great stuff!
YP Corp: https://bit.ly/3uei8vM
Nonexistent: https://bit.ly/3AHMQhZ
Patafoin: https://bit.ly/3AFjTTU
NKG: https://bit.ly/3KNjP9v
KewlSokudo: https://bit.ly/3Hepkvx
Ayias: https://bit.ly/3AGHaF2
A Talking Cake: https://bit.ly/3KW5O9B
Snake-A-Doodle: https://bit.ly/3KQVijR
CTS: https://bit.ly/3KTnFxN
STH: https://bit.ly/3raDMiL
ChordsBoy: https://bit.ly/3GaDxsb
Invicta: https://bit.ly/3rZbbMy
Fahyda: https://bit.ly/3IJJxK8
Fyrock: https://bit.ly/3g4N1dQ
Yabadabean: https://bit.ly/3IKjYIX
HardSonicStorm: https://bit.ly/34hrbRU
ToonTimez: https://bit.ly/3g9Ck9Q
Redye: https://bit.ly/3ILXBmu
Domino054: https://bit.ly/3g7dojy
Paradicial: https://bit.ly/3Galdzw
Phoenix Mario: https://bit.ly/3HepaEr
AirIsOptional: https://bit.ly/3g5eegn
AbomiYeti: https://bit.ly/35sazqZ
BrawlerDay: https://bit.ly/3AH0phO
Med: https://bit.ly/3s4HRUZ
UntitledOmega: https://bit.ly/3GfBbIu
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COPPA COMPLIANCE - There are NO ABCs, sing alongs, child education content or ANY kids only content on Team Level UP. All content here is rated E for everyone, our content is for people of all ages to enjoy.
Music credits:
Going Somewhere - Mario Party 2:
Pandora, The Last Battle - Shin Megami Tensei: Persona:
Palkia and Dialga Battle Music - Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire:
Intro/Outro theme (8 Bit Power) by TLU member HeatleyBros:
#TeamLevelUP #TeamCollab