Have Some Balls and Attack Every Now and Then - EscapeThe4z - WOYBB 43

Have Some Balls and Attack Every Now and Then - EscapeThe4z - WOYBB 43

Waiting on Your Best Behaviour #43:

For today's episode our guest is EscapeThe4z

Escape is a Twitch streamer, caster and host on his own server:


If you would like to follow Escape's work on Twitch the link is here:


Escape plays a variety of games with his community including Risk. He has done four seasons of a fixed, true random league and is currently on their second season for zombies.

He also put together a fixed true random tournament and will be doing another when the schedule allows.

Our conversation covers the differences between us in game style, the emerging religion of political correctness and suppression of free speech, beliefs on god and other topics.

Thank you Escape for coming on the show! You have a larger than life personality and I always enjoy hanging out with you brother. Thank you for the work you're doing helping to build the Risk community.

I really hope you enjoy!


If you would like to find me on Twitch check it out here:


If you would like to join the online Risk community, connect with other players and have the chance to play with some of the best in the world, come on down to the discord:


And if you are a grandmaster looking to connect with other grandmasters in our own space DM me on the Discord and I'll send you the invite link.

I hope you enjoy!

#Risk #RiskStrategy #RiskGlobalDomination #Risk4Ever

Some samples of my writing can be found here:



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