XR technology iDisplay Immersiv pro series for audio-visual field

XR technology iDisplay Immersiv pro series for audio-visual field

Immmersiv Pro is a virtual production version perfectly meet the XR stage and studio requirement.

Its profound design is a great merge of strength, beauty, stability, human friendly operation and maintenance.

It is amasterpiece that help assembling a structurally fine wall, delivering quality image.

Available pixel pitch:

Indoor : P1.5mm, P1.9mm, P2.6mm, P2.9mm, P3.9mm

What is performance of iDisplay immersiv Pro XR

1. 1500 nits plus

2. Real color, compatible for REC2020 with Brompton and Novastar controller

3. Up to 22bit+, compatible with Brompton and Novastar controller

4. Wide and uniform color at different veiwing angle

5. High refresh rate more than to make sure no shooting lines under random scanning of camera.

Feel free to contact us :
Email : janne.lee@idisplayled.com
Website: www.idisplayled.com

ImmersivXRXR stage

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