Today's Word - Acceptable Word Pronunciation, Meaning and Examples

Today's Word - Acceptable Word Pronunciation, Meaning and Examples

Today's Word - Acceptable Word Pronunciation, Meaning and Examples

Pronunciation: you need to play the video :)


1. Satisfactory and able to be agreed to or approved of.

2. Just good enough, but not very good.

3. Capable or worthy of being accepted.

4. Meeting only minimum requirements; barely adequate.

5. Something that is acceptable is satisfactory, or proper for whatever purpose it is considered; it may not be all that’s hoped for, but it's at least adequate.


1. This is not acceptable behavior from a practicing barrister.

2. Clearly we need to come to an arrangement that is acceptable to both parties.

3. Her performance was acceptable, but not stunning.

4. An offer that is acceptable to the union leaders might still be, voted down by the union members.

5. In those days, it was not acceptable for men to wear shirts without ties.

6. In an exosystemic view, this is coherent and acceptable.

7. Neither of these comments is acceptable as written to the natural language parser.

8. This is an acceptable compromise between lawn, and concrete parking.

9. Windows that are painted shut are not considered an acceptable alternative.

10. These should be championed to young people as acceptable, and worthy choices.

11. He has exaggerated, and transgressed the limits of the acceptable.

Acceptable Pronunciation and MeaningAcceptable Word Pronunciation and MeaningPronunciation and Meaning of Acceptable

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