Majority Of Voters Want Biden To Step Aside For Someone Else In 2024

Majority Of Voters Want Biden To Step Aside For Someone Else In 2024

A majority of American voters in a new poll said that Biden should step aside and let someone else run as the Democratic nominee in 2024. What's more, the incumbent President couldn't even get HALF of Democrats to say that he should run again, though a plurality (45%) said that he should. These are remarkably bad poll numbers, but they should be used as guidance for the Democratic Party moving forward. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses this.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

We got more bad polling news for president Joe Biden this week and this one's a little different. We've talked about his low approval ratings. We've talked about how on the actual issues, people think he doesn't care. But here's a different one. According to a new poll, 61% of voters in this country do not want Joe Biden to run again in 2024 and they believe that he should step aside and let somebody else run. Okay. 61%, it's a majority. That's a big number. You don't want to dismiss that. But here's the number that I found even more shocking. A plurality of Democrats, 45%, said they want Biden to run again while 37% said he should move aside for someone else and 18% are unsure. The 61%, obviously you have, you know, 90% of Republicans that say, yes, he should step aside and someone else should run.

You have right leaning moderates and independents who say, oh yeah, he should step aside and someone else will run. That's why the 61% is not as shocking to me. But the fact that we can't get half the Democratic party today to say they want Joe Biden to run again in 2024, instead we only have a plurality, that speaks volumes. That is the number that Democrats, everybody watching this video as well, needs to pay attention to. When your own party 10 months into the job says, I don't think this guy can do it, maybe it's time to start paying attention to that. And not just for those brilliant Democratic strategists and pollsters who get overpaid and haven't done a thing since the 1990s. But Joe Biden needs to be looking at that as well. He needs to look at this and realize, oh wow, they don't like me.

I need to do something different. You know what's really interesting right now, the Republicans, the Republicans in Congress are actually trying to move forward with legalization of marijuana. That's been one of the big stories of this past week. That could have been an easy win for the Democrats, but instead they sat on their asses and now the Republicans are taking the lead and they're going to get the victory for it. Biden could have done that, but he didn't. Biden could be forgiving student loans, instead every couple of months it's, hey, we're going to forgive another 2 billion of student loans, even though there's 1.7 trillion in loans that need to be forgiven. So Biden has to do something. He has to do something, not just to shore up the moderates and independents, but the actual Democratic party itself.

Because right now a plurality of them are standing behind him, but not a majority. And the Democratic party is not going to fix this by switching him out in 2024, when he'll be either 81 or 82 years old in the next election, by switching him for Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg. You need somebody with charisma. You need somebody with passion. Somebody with a fire in them. And I'm going to say what I've been saying for weeks now. That person to me is Katie Porter and Jeff Merkley. That's your ticket. Merkley Porter, Porter Merkley. I don't even care which order you do it in. They're both phenomenal. They're both progressive. They're both fighters. They both have energy. Something that the Democratic party is sorely lacking today and that is also reflected in these poll numbers.

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