Law of One Spiritual Advice 24: Giving w/o Condition, Acceptance+Kindness To Self, Nature of Creator

Law of One Spiritual Advice 24: Giving w/o Condition, Acceptance+Kindness To Self, Nature of Creator

Accepting your conditions, other people, and your authentic self is the path of service to others. It may be tempting to control the circumstances in to submission but the truer path is a path of acceptance, love and eventual transformation. As we accept and love, we can be kinder to ourselves and others. We can come closer to the centre of the heart of unconditional love.

In unconditional love there is freely giving/freely receiving. Freely giving of service and giving without expectation of return.

This seems easy to give without expectation but it is a bit of an art. Free will needs to be respected and accepted. Everyone makes it to the Creator at their own pace. Some faster, some slower than others. All we can do is recognize the service and love in the moment, attempt to be kind to ourselves and others....this brings us closer to the Nature of The Creator.

I expand upon all these topics in today’s podcast.
Thank you

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Today’s Quote:

You are not your bodies. You are not your intellect. You working to open your heart. We do not suggest that you embrace servanthood to the point of your own self-destruction unless you feel that it is your path to do so. What you wish to do, in truth, is to recognize what is your situation, and to keep recognizing that situation as it changes, accepting that the goal of this incarnation is neither happiness nor contentment, but service to others, and the learning, for yourself, of how to love without condition.

We ask you not to be discouraged as you strive and strive to do so, but seem somehow unable to accomplish that which you attempt.

We hope that the tools that we have made available are part of what you may use to move into harmony with love, acceptance and the allowing of all entities to be as they are, and that includes yourself. You cannot push a flower out of the ground. You must wait, nourish it, feed it, water it, let the sun shine upon it, and give all credit, all glory and praise and thanksgiving for the bloom to the Creator of that bloom. You all are stewards of an immeasurable bounty of riches. Your birthmark is joy unrestrained, and overwhelming love for all.
-Q’uo -The Law Of One

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(Dated: 1990 Sep 9)

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