Fields of vision! 15-y/o blind phenomenon stars as American football quarterback

Fields of vision! 15-y/o blind phenomenon stars as American football quarterback

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Jasen Bracy, a 15-year-old who lost his sight at age seven, has gone on to become a starting quarterback for his local team in Ceres, United States, where he was seen in training on Saturday.

Bracy was diagnosed with retinal cancer when he was a child and he became blind as a side effect of the treatments. He always enjoyed sports and at age nine started playing baseball. However his main goal was to play football.

His parents were initially sceptical of him being able to play the game because of his chances of getting hurt. Jasen didn't give up and called up six or seven teams on his own before one finally agreed to give him a try-out.

"Coach David called me one day asking about my son wanting to play football, he said more than anyone you son can play football but is it true that he is blind? 'Yes, he is blind coach. Coach David said I have never coached a blind player before, I've never seen one play,'" said his father.

The 15-year-old phenomenon managed to make the Modesto Raiders quarterback position his own in his second year in the team. His coach and father noticed that he knew all the foot work, patterns and plays, and has the ability to hit the spot with a big arm.

His father communicates with him via walkie-talkie and a speaker in his helmet, helping direct him around the pitch.

"I don't mind to play football forever like since I get healthy, since I am able to play football, and coach David gave me the opportunity to play and ever since then, I'm thankful to them, thankful to all my friends who support me through out the way, through this season," said Jasen Bracy.

The young footballer has set his sights on going as far as he can in the sport with his goal now to make it in college football.

Bracy may lack sight, but that hasn't stopped him seeing for himself a vision of his future.

#Football #USA

Video ID: 20211121-039

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