Do you need to pay UK inheritance tax (IHT) on your death?

Do you need to pay UK inheritance tax (IHT) on your death?

If you are looking for a new property tax specialist or international tax advisor then please visit the website of Optimise Accountants:

Please ensure that you register for our free UK tax saving seminars:

Read our article on When do you need to pay inheritance tax (IHT) to HMRC on your death?

#HMRC #Tax #TaxReturn

In this video you will learn about
- What is Inheritance Tax (IHT) and why should people that live in the UK worry about it
-How is Inheritance calculated (IHT) and when does it need to be paid
- Are there legal ways to reduce Inheritance Tax (IHT) that needs to be paid to HMRC
- What assets are subject to IHT

Inheritance TaxUK Inheritance TaxIHT

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