BUYING A HOUSE IN THE UK (PART 2): Other costs to take into account

BUYING A HOUSE IN THE UK (PART 2): Other costs to take into account

Buying a house is probably the #1 financial goal of many people. That moment when you can finally settle in a place of your own is such an awesome feeling. We interviewed Stephanie, a nurse from the Philippines, who bought her first house in the UK just 4 years since arriving here. The interview is divided into 4 parts:
Part 1: Saving for a House Deposit
Part 2: Other Costs to take into Account When Buying a House
Part 3: UK Government Schemes to help home buyers
Part 4: Step-by-Step Process

To find out more about Stephanie please subscribe to her channel/blog:

To find out more about Nova and download it for free:

savingmoneyUK nurse

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