Carlos Perez-Lanzac, Founder of the VITUR summit, a major European holiday rental conference taking place in Malaga, Spain, Thu, Oct 28, 2021 – Fri, Oct 29, 2021, answers questions from Rental Scale-Up's Thibault Masson:
1/ What makes VITUR stand apart from other European holiday rental conferences?
2/ What is the most unique thing that attendees will be able to experience at VITUR that has never been done before?
3/ What kind of practical, actionable value do you expect VITUR attendees to be able to walk away with?
4/ Some of the recent conferences in Europe have suffered from a lack of attendees from the property management side. Why do you think it was the case? What is VITUR doing to avoid a similar situation?
5/ How have you been able to convince so many organizations, investors to European associations, to be part of the VITUR Summit?
6/ How can our Rental Scale-Up readers be a part of VITUR 2021?