The meanings and uses: Advise, recommend suggest

The meanings and uses: Advise, recommend suggest

The meanings and uses: Advise, Recommend, Suggest

Advise: The verb “advise” is the most formal of the three, is used with subjects like government official, doctor, teacher, supervisor, counselor or someone else. When they have expertise or authority.

Recommend: The verb “recommend” is less formal than “advise” and more personal is used when the speaker is giving a suggestion based on personal experiences. Friends, family and co-worker recommend to each other.

Suggest: The verb “suggest” is lest formal of the three verbs and is used to express an idea or opinion.

1. Verb + Noun Object/Phrase
- My doctor advised exercise after my heart attack.
- Can you recommend a good restaurant in town?
- The designer suggested the color white for the
sitting room.
2. Verb + Gerund
- Health experts don’t advise swimming right after
- We recommend going to the park on weekend.
- He suggested reading this book.
3. Verb + that-clause
- We advise (that) you arrive as early as possible.
- My friend recommended (that) he take a taxi home
from the party.
- I suggest (that) you not get drunk before your
Thanks for watching.

The meanings and usesHow to useadvise

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