Powerful Guided Creative Visualization Meditation to Manifest your Dreams

Powerful Guided Creative Visualization Meditation to Manifest your Dreams

Visualization is surrendering your conscious mind and embracing an attitude of complete reliance on the inner power of your subconscious mind. Visualization, which is a conscious act, must be accepted as an image in your conscious mind before the power from your subconscious will realize that image. You must reach a point where your conscious and unconscious mind are in an undisputed state of agreement.

“Everything is created twice,
first in the mind and then in reality.”
Robin Sharma

This image in your mind should be accompanied by a feeling of joy and excitement in the anticipation of receiving what you desire. The basis of visualization is the complete believe that the thought or image in your conscious mind, will trigger a definite response from your subconscious mind, which is the one who will manifest your thoughts and desires.

“Ordinary people believe only in the possible.
Extraordinary people visualize not what
is possible or probable, but rather
what is impossible. And by visualizing
the impossible, they begin to see it as possible.”
Cherie Carter-Scott

Visualization is the conscious action to feed your subconscious mind with the image of what you want your subconscious mind to manifest. It is the methodology of creating an image of the outcome we wish to accomplish. Visualization is when your soul’s deepest desire, transpired by your deepest needs and what you really want from your life, becomes your image.

Visualization is the approach to visualize an idea, to see it in your mind’s eye as vividly as if it already exists in the external world. Any picture, which you have in your mind, is the product of things hoped for. This picture is real and will appear in your objective world if you are faithful and dedicated to the image in your mind.

This process of visualization forms impressions in your mind; these impressions in turn become manifested as facts and experiences in your life. Visualization is about you creating your own reality. Reality is a perception. It’s an interpretation. One person’s reality may not be the same reality for another person. We all experience and see things differently, that’s why two people attending the same event, will have a different recollection of the event.

“The moment you doubt whether you can fly,
you cease forever to be able to do it.”
J. M. Barrie

It’s important to understand that your beliefs and interpretations contribute to what you create in your reality, because this is the premise of how visualization works. All people can get whatever they visualize to manifest, purely because of their belief or mental acceptance about that for which they visualize to happen. The principle of visualization is the principle of belief. If you believe and accept the fact as true that whatever you desire has already been fulfilled and that you’ve already received it, you vision will manifest itself. For all things you desire to have substance in the realm of your mind, it must be thought of as actually existing.

Belief is a way of thinking, an attitude of your mind, and knowing that what you fully accept in your conscious mind will be embodied in your subconscious mind and made to manifest. Belief is accepting as true what your reason and senses deny as false.


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