Wow. This really wasn’t the day I was expecting, and nor would I want it again.
To put this in context, because of lock downs and being encouraged to stay at home, I haven’t visited the North East, or my managing agent in Newcastle, for over 18 months.
On second thoughts, it’s probably almost 2 years (hasn’t the time gone quickly, or is that just me?).
So, I was pretty excited to jump on the train, and headed off with the usual agenda.
We’d talk about the “Three Rs”; rents, repairs, and refurbs.
We’d look at a couple of the buy to let properties, typically where tenants have just left, and agree what needed to be done to the property before the next tenants moved in.
Really, just a run of the mill, but long overdue, day out with my managing agent.
But things took a twist just before lunchtime when I experienced something I have never experienced before.
I have heard of such things, from my managing agent and others, but haven’t been directly involved in a situation like this.
On first hearing it might sound trite to anyone who has never experienced it but, I can assure you, that when it happens to you, it is anything but.
It was a shock, and extremely uncomfortable, to say the least.
And it raises all sorts of questions around Government policy with deposits, which I allude to (albeit indirectly) in the video.
So please have a look at the video.
I hope that whatever you are up to in property you don’t have a day like this, or, if you do, you are better prepared than I was.
Here's to Successful Property Investing.
Peter Jones
(ex) Chartered Surveyor, author and property investor
PS. By the way, I've rewritten and updated my best-selling e-book, The Successful Property Investor's Strategy Workshop, which is an account of how I put together my multi-property portfolio, starting from scratch and with no money of my own, and how you can do the same.
For more details please go to: