Meditation: Nothing Exists Apart from God

Meditation: Nothing Exists Apart from God

This meditation uses the analogy of undivided space to show that there is no distance, and therefore no relationship, between God and our self. These apparent two are one without distinction, so we can be neither separate from nor united with God's being. The universal self and the individual self are the same being. Nothing and no one exists apart from God. The perception of separation between our being and God's being is only a belief, which in the Christian tradition is referred to as sin and in the Vedantic tradition as the illusion of ignorance. In prayer, there is a sinking of the mind into the sanctuary of the heart as a surrender of the separate self into God's presence, infinite being.

This clip has been taken from Rupert's Meditation Weekend in January. You can watch more meditations from this weekend here:

Rupert SpiraMeditationNon-Duality

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