Former Advisor Says Trump Was Too Distracted By Election To Deal With Pandemic

Former Advisor Says Trump Was Too Distracted By Election To Deal With Pandemic

Dr. Deborah Birx, one of COVID response coordinators for Donald Trump's administration, claimed that the former administration could have prevented roughly 30 - 40% of the COVID deaths that we've seen if they'd just done their jobs. Instead, Birx claims, Trump was too distracted by the 2020 election to care about the fact that hundreds of thousands of Americans were dying. Farron Cousins discusses this.

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During recent testimony before the, uh, house COVID 19 crisis committee, Dr. Deborah Birx who served as the coordinator for the Trump white house has COVID-19 response team admitted that Donald Trump and basically the rest of the white house didn't take the pandemic seriously because they were all to, as she put it distracted by the 2020 election. And she says, had they actually taken it seriously and not been distracted, they could have prevented up to 30 to 40% of the COVID deaths that we saw last year, but they simply didn't care. Right? They were too busy worrying about the election. Now, Dr. Birx, why did you wait so long to give this information? Don't you think this might've been something that even though it could have cost you your job, maybe you should have come out with this last year. Maybe you should have blown the whistle then and said, Hey, listen, um, they're not taking this seriously because they're focused on the election and they don't want to tell people how bad it is because they think it could, you know, impact their electoral chances.

You sat by and sat silently. When now you're admitting this could have saved 30 to 40% of the lives that we lost last year. No, I'm sorry. You don't get credit for finally calling out this administration. You, you almost seem culpable at this point. You know, this is gross negligence on your part, in my opinion, I don't see how you can slice this any other way. You say they were distracted. Had they not been distracted? Had they been focused on this pandemic? We could have saved. What would that have been over a hundred thousand American lives, at least 100,000 people that today are in the ground could still be alive. Families would still be whole, and you did nothing. I know this story is, you know, supposed to, I guess, be painting Trump in a negative light. Like, oh look, he didn't pay attention and people to, um, everybody else there knew this same stuff to everybody else in that administration on that COVID task force at the CDC, everywhere health and human services, they saw these same things. Why didn't they speak out? What's more important your job for another six months

Or 150,000 lives. That's a no brainer. If you even have to think about that question, then there is something morally wrong with you. Burke's had a decision to make and she made it. She stayed silent until it was convenient for her to come out and tell the truth in front of this house subcommittee, that's not acceptable. She is not a hero in this story. In my opinion, I believe she's as big of a villain as Donald Trump is. And yes, they were distracted by the election. That's fairly obvious. They wanted to downplay the pandemics of Trump. Didn't look like as much of a failure and people did die as a result of that. But every single person that was a part of the decision-making process, that was a part of the intelligence gathering process. Every single one of you that knew what was happening and didn't come forward to blow the whistle. I hold you as equally negligent as I hold Donald Trump. And that includes you, Dr. Birx.

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