The “Assistance” they give The Youth in our Area

The “Assistance” they give The Youth in our Area

You can’t put a “value” on that says Mayor Steve Freel on helping young people in our Community. Mayor Freel has a perspective few have the opportunity to witness. He’s seen young people achieve at extraordinary levels whether it’s in school academically or on the field, athletically or community wide. But as a detective he got to see where teenagers might not have been at their best where quick decisions, lack of family structure, actions due to alcohol or drugs, violence committed for the sake of violence change lives forever. Decisions that could have been avoided had they been thought out, or talked about with responsible adults or thoughtful parents and friends. The Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Wyoming can’t replace families but they provide a heathy environment for kids to grow and care about each other. They can be about a place to talk about personal issues and getting beyond them. Opportunities to grow provide hope and for some they don’t see hope. And hope, how can you ever quantify hope or being part of a team that helps kids and young adults and gives them opportunities to succeed or change. As the Mayor told Casper 1 how can you put a value on that…


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