Republicans Silent As Arizona Ballot Audit Results Nearly Three Weeks Overdue

Republicans Silent As Arizona Ballot Audit Results Nearly Three Weeks Overdue

The results from the Republican audit of ballots in Arizona is coming up on being three weeks overdue, and Republicans in the state are almost completely silent about this gross incompetence. The results were initially delayed after members of the Cyber Ninjas team came down with COVID, but they've since been forced to admit that most of the reports haven't even been written yet. Farron Cousins explains what's going on and why these delays keep happening.

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If you're like me, you've been paying very close attention to this ballot audit that is still taking place in the state of Arizona. And, uh, as we all know, it has been one wild roller coaster of. That is what we're getting out of the Arizona ballot audit, by the way, the audit results were due to the Republican controlled Arizona Senate on August 23rd. Yeah. We're about two and a half weeks past that coming up on three weeks and the results aren't there, the results don't exist. They haven't been able to put them out. Oh. And it's because don't worry. They totally, totally all got COVID like the day before they were due all man, you know, like a lazy college kid emailing the professor the night before papers due is like, oh man, I'm, I'm totally sick. I can't finish the paper. And that was the crap that cyber ninjas tried to pull with these Republicans in Arizona.

Maybe they had actually code, maybe they didn't. But then, and this is kind of what makes me think they didn't necessarily have COVID they settled September 1st. You know what? It's going to be two weeks. Okay. Give us two more weeks because we haven't actually written most of the reports. We didn't do it. Yeah. Which cause if, you'll think back at the time, when it was revealed that they had COVID and couldn't turn in their report the day it was due. Cause let's talk about them as if they were high school kids, because that's how they're acting. So they couldn't turn in their assignment the day it was due because they had COVID and then they come out over a week later, eight days later and say, yeah, we actually, we didn't even do it though. So it's not just that we had COVID but we also didn't do it.

So can we have like a two week extension on this so we can get it done because we're, we're really gonna buckle down. We're gonna, we're gonna, you know, nose to the grindstone and we're gonna make this report happen for everybody. Okay. You, you, you literally have just a couple days left. Okay. A couple days left. And as far as we know, there's no end in sight. But what we do know is that you guys have been lying about this from the start back in July, it was reported that cyber ninja said here it is that they may have found tens of thousands of fake ballots, but it couldn't be sure without more information from the county. And then of course those claims were quickly debunked and they had to come out and say, okay, nevermind. Yeah, we were wrong. So in July you're like, oh, we got tens of thousands.

We, you just got to give us access to all your information. The county said, we're not doing that. And then cyber ninja says, well, that's cool because yeah, they're, they're not fake. Sorry. This group has been lying from the start. Keep in mind. Okay. Folks, this ballot audit began in April and it was only supposed to take 60 days. You only had 2.1 million ballots from Maricopa county to audit 2.1 million. Now, here we are in September. So from April to may, June, July, August, September month, five of this audit, no results, tons of different lies, excuse after excuse after excuse as to why you can't turn in your final report.

And best of all, the Republicans in that Senate just hold really quiet about it. And you know, if I were them, I would be going out there pounding on microphones and podiums and saying, where the hell are these results we need to, we need to prove that the election was stolen. Cyber ninjas, come on. But see, they're not doing that because they know that whenever these results come out and this is why they're being delayed, I believe once they come out, it's going to show that the whole thing was bogus from the start. There was no widespread voter fraud. There was no foreign interference. Every time any individual has had the opportunity to prove that these things happen, that they claim happened. They failed to do so. Mike Lindell cyber symposium was supposed to be all about Arizona in all the fraud and foreign interference and the packet captures that he totally has, but didn't release. No, it's all fake. It's all smoke and mirrors being perpetrated by a group that is getting paid a ton of money to not finish the job they were hired to do.

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