An Amazing Elephant Greeting as Adine Meets up with the Herd

An Amazing Elephant Greeting as Adine Meets up with the Herd

After being away in the city for a few meetings, Adine returned to the reserve and checked in with the herd while they were all out foraging. Khanyisa was grazing off with a few of the other females, while Tokwe came in for a very up-close greeting with Adine. It was full of energy and power as Fishan joined in and then Zindoga, and a speedy entrance from Lundi and Pisa!

The elephants’ welcome included lots of smelling and touching, trunks slipping into mouths and across bodies in the beautiful and complex dance of elephant communication!

In these vigorous greetings, our team always need to remain cautious as the elephants may not intend to cause harm but they do remain much larger and stronger animals. Adine soothes the elephants using their names and reaching out a hand of comfort and familiarity. A beautiful show of the bond she has developed with the herd over 19 years.

ElephantsElephant videosHerd South Africa

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