Welcome to Happy Habits | Discover fun new ways to build lasting happiness in 20 mins or less

Welcome to Happy Habits | Discover fun new ways to build lasting happiness in 20 mins or less

If there's one thing all of humanity can agree on, it's happiness. We all want to be happy. We might have different ideas of how to get there, but happiness is our one universal destination.

Unfortunately, our brains haven't evolved for us to be happy. They evolved for us to survive. Our societies haven't been designed to increase happiness, but rather GDP.

That leaves us with an interesting predicament: How do we discover lasting happiness when our brains and our society are often working against us?

I've created Happy Habits to make it easy for people to apply the academic insights across positive psychology and well-being in order to live healthier, happier and more meaningful lives.

My approach is to help you identify the behaviors that are making you unhappy and help you either: a) stop doing them, or b) replace them with behaviors that science shows will make you happier.

Each week, I'll send out a newsletter featuring a habit and a story. Sometimes the habit will be a happy habit and sometimes it will be an unhappy habit. Your job is to decide which happy habits you want to do, and which of your habits are making you unhappy and need to be stopped or replaced with something else.

If you'd like to receive Happy Habits to your inbox please visit the website and subscribe there directly to access previous issues, member-only content and more:


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