Asia, Pakistan Sindh, Dargah allah abad shareef kandiaro, Hazrat Sheikh Muhammad Tahir Mahboob Sajjan saeen, haq mahboob saeen, Dargah tahiri Rawalpindi, tahiri faqeer, sufi gaffari bakshi tahiri naqshbandi Fiqah Hanafi, dargah noorpur shareef, larkana sindh, Allah kay wali, Sufi leader in pakistan, Haq peer sajjan sain, waliyon kay wali Shahenshaho kay Shahenshah peero kay peer, Haq ya ali mola, Dargah allah abad shareef kandiaro, Haq mahboob sajjan saein, Dargah tahiri rawalpindi, dargah noorpur shareef, Darbar Ahmed raza khan barelvi, Haq ya ali mola
Khwaja Muhammad Tahir Bakhshi Naqshbandi, also known as Sajjan Saeen, is a prominent Naqshbandi Sufi shaykh in Pakistan. Shaykh of shaykhs, Leader of the Naqshbandi Silsilah, King of the Auliya, Hazrat Shaykh Muhammad Tāhir Abbāsī Bakhshī Naqshbandī Mujaddidī, alias Sajjan Sāeen, is the leading shaykh of the Naqshbandi Sufi order in Pakistan. He is an Islamic scholar, Sufi master, religious reformer, author, educator, and spiritual guide for millions of people throughout the world.
Spiritual Path
The first spiritual blessings were showered on him by his grandshaykh Hazrat Khwāja Pīr Mitthā, may Allāh illuminate his shrine, at the time of his birth when he was taken to his holy presence. Later, he was trained and raised in the Naqshbandi Sufi path by his father Hazrat Khwāja Sohnā Sāeen, may his shrine be shining, who was the chief khalīfa of Hazrat Pīr Mitthā and his spiritual successor. Hazrat Sajjan Sāeen was the only son of his noble father, who wanted to make him a leader of Islam and a wali (saint) of the highest stations, so he received full supervision and the best training, and was perfected in the Sufi path, receiving the blessings and spiritual gaze of the masters of this sublime tariqa.
Upon acquiring all the highest stages of the Naqshbandi Path, he was finally awarded with the khilāfah by his master and father Hazrat Sohnā Sāeen in 1398 AH. Later he was again bestowed with this honour in 1402 AH and for the third time in 1403 AH. His father fully authorized him in the Naqshbandi tarīqa by awarding him Mutlaq Ijāzah, and designated him as his successor at different occasions.
Hazrat Sohna Saeen passed away to the eternal world on 12 December 1983, leaving behind thousands of disciples and hundreds of deputies. Though he did not declare any one as his sole spiritual successor, Sajjan Sāeen was nominated as one by a unanimous decision of all the deputies of his noble master, who renewed their bay’āh with him on the very next day of the sad demise of his father. Thousands of disciples who had gathered there, accepted him as their spiritual master and renewed their bay’ah with him.