Ranger 7 Photographs Moon #1964 #OnThisDay

Ranger 7 Photographs Moon #1964 #OnThisDay

An unmanned probe takes the first close up images of the moon, 4,308 before it impacts with the lunar surface

Add me on Instagram: LucGaylie

If you'd like to use my music, please send me a message on Instagram.

Ranger 7 Photographs Moon by Luc Gaylie is an entirely improvised song that I made in one take. Some of the songs may be better than others, but that is the world of improvised music. I hope you can include me in your daily music mix so that you can join me in my journey of posting a song every day for the next 10 years. I plan on doing a lot in life, and I've done a lot so far. Music is meant to be shared so I hope you can join me in all my daily improvised music!

You can come to my channel every morning at 10:15 am to listen to my song of the day. Each song is responding to how I'm feeling that day. Sometimes it's hopeful, other times it is about desperation and sense alone. They are all founded on one idea, the idea that no matter what you're feeling today, tomorrow, you will feel better and move on. Perhaps not tomorrow, maybe it will take some time. Eventually, you will find hope and solutions to whatever you're feeling today, and whatever you're working on today will ultimately be done.

I use an M-Audio Hammer 88 midi controller to record all of my instruments and a Shure SM7B to make all my music. I also use a Focusrite Scarlett 3rd Gen 4!4 to record all my music to my computer to Mixcraft 8 Pro Studio, the Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) I use. I then use Adobe Creative Cloud: Adobe Premier Pro to mix my music with video. I usually get my music pictures from Unsplash or Pexels.com and I will make my thumbnails using Adobe Photoshop. I record my video using an iPhone with a Tzumi Halo Travel Pro 10" LED Ring Light & Phone Mount.

If you have any questions about my setup or creative processes, please feel free to write in the comments below or message me on Instagram.

My sister, Giselle Gaylie, is a public speaker, and she posts a new video every Friday. I make all her background music that I also post to this channel as well. Please feel free to check her channel and content out as well!

#music #shorts #daily #improvisation

daily improvised musicdaily musicdaily music co

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