new pixonnic players read this article in the description. and think about it what I'm saying.

new pixonnic players read this article in  the description. and think about it what I'm saying.

How is it possible to open up 68 boxes and not get a any bots out of the boxes but yet people open less boxes and have gotten 3 shells out of it I'm done with this game and it bs its a fully paying game don't think for one minute you going to play this game without paying anything you will not be successful in this game this game has way to much unbalanceds things they bring in new bots and weapons time after time. And the bots and weapons gets nerf all the time the target system sucks jumps around just before you about to kill someone and even if you use the manual one you have to hit it like 5times before you get the one you want. The bots and drones have got bugs.
The time the average person gets new things it gets nerfed this game is absolutely a scam to steal your money because what you pay for only only works for a while and there for they just steal your money the game went from a investment for your hanger to backstabbing you like the scorpion play base is getting smaller due to players leaving for 100 of reasons and that's why all platforms are starting to play together to keep the waiting period for a game down and take note that pc players have a upper hand on mobile devices. Macth making is the worst thing as a lower level player you get put up against guys 10time your level or powers so if you new to the game I think it's best for you to look for a other game yes this game is the best mobile game for robots but in the long run you won't be disappointed they really don't care about the players they just won't your money and they what you paid for gets nerfed and that makes the game a full pay to win because the more you spend the quicker you get stronger and can dominate until the next nerf comes they do not balance the stuff before it hit the game play and therefore it makes it really unsportsmanlike you got guys that down in ranks to kill you easy and get more resources out of the game and pixonnic still can't even fix that after 3 years of me playing this game enough said I don't even want to play anymore as this game has gone from fun to bad game play.


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