Is Tom Girardi and Erika Jayne's divorce a sham?

Is Tom Girardi and Erika Jayne's divorce a sham?

The Housewife and the Hustler documentary on Hulu premiered rough 2 months ago. Tom Girardi built a career and reputation fighting for average people against large corporations and industries only to become yet another enemy for people who have already gone through some of the most devastating times.

The first time San Bruno gas pipeline explosions survivor Joe Ruigomez met Tom Girardi was right after he’d woken from a coma, so he doesn’t recall much about that encounter, but Tom won his trust right away. “He made you feel like you could trust him,” Joe says. Tom’s gentle, and humble-seeming charisma is obvious by watching just a few minutes of him talking but it seems odd contrasted with his extravagant lifestyle that was flaunted on Bravo’s Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

Now, the wife of Tom Girardi, Erika Jayne could be liable for around $11 million. But things keep getting more complicated with a divorce between the celebrities. Are these tactics to slow down paying for their wrongdoings?

#erikajayne #housewideandthehustler​​​​ #california

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