Is Sealing the Hearth Against Free Will?| Dr. Emre Dorman

Is Sealing the Hearth Against Free Will?|  Dr. Emre Dorman

First of all, it should be stated that a person must have free will to be responsible and to assume the moral responsibility for his actions. Therefore, in this sense, God does not disable anyone's free will. Belief and denial takes place with free will. The hearts of those who insist on denial and those who do not care about the manifest verses of God and those who solidify such beliefs are sealed by God. However, the reason that their hearts are sealed by God is that they insist on denial and close their hearts against the verses of God. Therefore, God does not create anyone's hearts as sealed or open, or when he lives, He does not close the heart of a man to the truths in verses. At the same time, if people return from these mistakes, regret, repent, turn to God, face the truths, and live a life in accordance with the truth, the seals on those hearts will also be removed. This means that God does not directly seal a person's heart or open his heart. People's actions, choices and orientations cause their hearts to be sealed or their hearts opened to the verses of God. In order to be responsible, one must be able to make decisions of his own free will. If a human being is being punished by God, even though he does not deserve it, does not deny God's verses, or if his heart is sealed and he has no choice but to deny, he will not have any responsibility. Since he has no responsibility, he will not be questioned by God for why he denied it. If God has sealed someone’s heart, it will be possible to remove that seal by confronting one's mistakes, and giving up insisting on denial and ungratefulness. This issue is actually related to the verses that refer to God's guidance or deviation for whomever He wills. Here, in fact, it can be said that the guidance and deviation depend on the person’s wishes. In other words, the person himself or herself wishes first, then God is the one who will give deviation from guidance and deviation from the truth upon the will of the person.


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