What is the color of blood? Red, isn’t it? But is it possible for it to not be red? What if we told you that blood can be green or purple as well? As it turns out, blood could feature in various shades of red or entirely different colors, depending on the species. In humans, it appears red because of the presence of hemoglobin, which contains iron atoms. Hemoglobin is essential for transferring oxygen from your lungs to tissues using blood as the medium. When iron and oxygen combine, it gives our blood the red color we see. And then there are species, like octopus, whose blood is blue due to the presence of 'Hemocyanin' which mainly contains copper atoms instead of iron. What are the other species with different colored blood? Could it even be green or pink? What do the different shades of red tell us about blood? Watch this video and find out why blood comes in a rainbow of colors.
Do you know which species of animal has yellow blood? Find out and let us know in the comments section below.
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