Life-size ice car sculpture left melting in London to highlight climate change

Life-size ice car sculpture left melting in London to highlight climate change

런던, 얼음으로 만든 레이싱 자동차가 녹아내리는 중…지구 온난화 심각성 알려

Welcome, it's time for the 'World Now'. Bringing you some of the most interesting news from around the globe, I'm Eum Ji-young.
Amid scorching heat in the city,... the effects of global warming have materialized in London,... through an ice racing car.
A life-size ice replica of an Envision Virgin Racing Formula E car on display,... was left melting very fast.
The 'Melting Point' event was organized to raise awareness of climate change by exposing an ice sculpture to London's heat for a day.

"What we've done is put 594 gallons-worth of ice in the form of one of our beautiful Envision Virgin Racing cars and we've asked the public to take a guess at how fast and how much of it will melt in a 24-hour period of time."

The company said for every guess, will donate one U.S. dollar to the Arctic Ice Project,... a non-profit organization that takes action against climate change and aims to restore ice in the Arctic.

#ice_racing_car #London #climate_change

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2021-07-23 07:00 (KST)

arirangkoreanSouth Korea

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