CHARLIE FREAK is a wealth of wisdom, truth and divine knowledge that he shares on his Freaksense TV Podcasts to hundreds of thousands of people. Charlie decodes the Bible which is not a history book; it is a magical, alchemical and allegorical treatise on human physiology and divinity, teaching us how we can all reclaim our destinies and raise ourselves into Christ Consciousness!
Charlie and Colleen take care of 56 Animals at their Animal Rescue Sanctuary, if you can comfortably afford to donate a little towards the costs of caring for their precious Family, they would greatly appreciate it...if you cannot afford to help, you can help in other ways, including sending them your Intentions of Love, Strength and can send a monetary donation to:
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Charlie's MeWe Page
Charlie's books:
The “Great Awakening Show" is about the Awakening Shift and Ascension we are all going through at this time! It has spiritual truth, guided inspiration, infinite wisdom, and sacred secrets being revealed. We have awakening interviews with people from all around the world; light-workers, way-showers, truth speakers, earth keepers, love embracers, healers and therapists, and all those who are benefiting others and our planet. The Show airs on U.K. Health Radio that has 1.2 million listeners and is the world’s No 1 ‘Heath Talk Radio’ and on YouTube-please subscribe for weekly shows!
I am Joanne-Divine Life Yogini and I have been a Yoga and Spiritual Teacher, Healer, and Awakener for over 20 years!
If you would like to try a Future Life Progression or Yoga and Wellbeing Session go to website
Facebook @joannedivinelifeyogini Instagram @divine_life_yogini
Peace, Love, Healing, Abundance, and Awakening to you all!